Nature Cat

This animated series centers on house cat Fred, a dreamer of the great outdoors. Once his family leaves for the day, Fred becomes Nature Cat and with the help of his animal friends, he embarks on action-packed adventures that allow him to explore the natural world. The series is voiced by comic actors, including "Saturday Night Live" alums Taran Killam (Nature Cat), Kate McKinnon (Squeeks), Bobby Moynihan (Hal) and Kenan Thompson (Ronald). Kate Micucci rounds out the cast as Daisy.


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    Nature Cat: Know Your Snow; The Nature-tastic Four and the Humongous Hurricane: TVSS: Iconic

    Nature Cat

    Know Your Snow; The Nature-tastic Four and the Humongous Hurricane

    Jan 30

    30 Minutes

    Nature Cat wants to break the record for the world's tallest snow critter, but the snow fails to stick together; the heroes protect themselves from a hurricane.
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    Nature Cat: TVSS: Iconic

    Nature Cat

    Under Pressure; Rainy Day

    Jan 30

    30 Minutes

    Nature Cat and friends learn about geysers when they go on an adventure to see how they work; Nature Cat and friends learn about animals that like rain.
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    Nature Cat: TVSS: Iconic

    Nature Cat

    Magical Mushroom Mystery Tour; A Midsummer Day's Dream

    Jan 30

    30 Minutes

    Squeeks wants to create a walking tour that features different types of mushrooms; Nature Cat and his pals celebrate midsummer with floral fedoras and the traditional midsummer dance.
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    Nature Cat: TVSS: Iconic

    Nature Cat

    Magical Mushroom Mystery Tour; A Midsummer Day's Dream

    Jan 31

    30 Minutes

    Squeeks wants to create a walking tour that features different types of mushrooms; Nature Cat and his pals celebrate midsummer with floral fedoras and the traditional midsummer dance.
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    Nature Cat: TVSS: Iconic

    Nature Cat

    The Nature Nap Dilemma; Captain Nature Cat's Wild River Adventure

    Jan 31

    30 Minutes

    The gang goes looking for their Nature Nap hammock; Nature Cat and his pals help an oyster named Elroy get back home.
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    Nature Cat: TVSS: Iconic

    Nature Cat

    Niagara Falls; Nature Plant

    Jan 31

    30 Minutes

    The group takes a trip to Niagara Falls; Nature Cat dreams he turns into a plant.
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    Nature Cat: TVSS: Iconic

    Nature Cat

    Niagara Falls; Nature Plant

    Feb 1

    30 Minutes

    The group takes a trip to Niagara Falls; Nature Cat dreams he turns into a plant.
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    Nature Cat: Sweet Symbiosis; Strawberry Fields Forever: TVSS: Iconic

    Nature Cat

    Sweet Symbiosis; Strawberry Fields Forever

    Feb 1

    30 Minutes

    Nature Cat and his pals meet a frightened hermit crab named Bridget at the tide pool; Nature Cat and friends gather strawberries for Sadie.
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    Nature Cat: Sweet Symbiosis; Strawberry Fields Forever: TVSS: Iconic

    Nature Cat

    Sweet Symbiosis; Strawberry Fields Forever

    Feb 2

    30 Minutes

    Nature Cat and his pals meet a frightened hermit crab named Bridget at the tide pool; Nature Cat and friends gather strawberries for Sadie.
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    Nature Cat: Know Your Snow; The Nature-tastic Four and the Humongous Hurricane: TVSS: Iconic

    Nature Cat

    Know Your Snow; The Nature-tastic Four and the Humongous Hurricane

    Feb 2

    30 Minutes

    Nature Cat wants to break the record for the world's tallest snow critter, but the snow fails to stick together; the heroes protect themselves from a hurricane.
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    Nature Cat: Know Your Snow; The Nature-tastic Four and the Humongous Hurricane: TVSS: Iconic

    Nature Cat

    Know Your Snow; The Nature-tastic Four and the Humongous Hurricane

    Feb 3

    30 Minutes

    Nature Cat wants to break the record for the world's tallest snow critter, but the snow fails to stick together; the heroes protect themselves from a hurricane.
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    Nature Cat: Hal the Duck; The Crow-lympics: TVSS: Iconic

    Nature Cat

    Hal the Duck; The Crow-lympics

    Feb 3

    30 Minutes

    Hal finds a lone bird's egg in the woods and thinks he should take care of it forever; the gang sets up different challenges for the Crow-lympics.
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    Nature Cat: TVSS: Iconic

    Nature Cat

    The Leaf Fairy; Midge Over Troubled Water

    Feb 3

    30 Minutes

    The gang searches for the Leaf Fairy; Nature Cat's waterskiing stunts are interrupted by a swarm of bugs.
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    Nature Cat: TVSS: Iconic

    Nature Cat

    The Leaf Fairy; Midge Over Troubled Water

    Feb 4

    30 Minutes

    The gang searches for the Leaf Fairy; Nature Cat's waterskiing stunts are interrupted by a swarm of bugs.
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    Nature Cat: Bunny Baby Babysitter; King of the Backyard Bouncy Castles: TVSS: Iconic

    Nature Cat

    Bunny Baby Babysitter; King of the Backyard Bouncy Castles

    Feb 4

    30 Minutes

    The gang comes across a fluffle of baby bunnies during a game of tag; bouncy castles in Nature Cat's backyard block the path for wildlife.
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    Nature Cat: TVSS: Iconic

    Nature Cat

    The Nature Nap Dilemma; Captain Nature Cat's Wild River Adventure

    Feb 4

    30 Minutes

    The gang goes looking for their Nature Nap hammock; Nature Cat and his pals help an oyster named Elroy get back home.
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    Nature Cat: TVSS: Iconic

    Nature Cat

    The Nature Nap Dilemma; Captain Nature Cat's Wild River Adventure

    Feb 5

    30 Minutes

    The gang goes looking for their Nature Nap hammock; Nature Cat and his pals help an oyster named Elroy get back home.
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    Nature Cat: TVSS: Iconic

    Nature Cat

    What a Pearl; Wild Bee Motel

    Feb 5

    30 Minutes

    Nature Cat and pals meet a new neighbor, a blind dog named Pearl, who uses a cane and her senses to guide her around; Nature Cat and the gang are excited to harvest beans from Daisy's garden.
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    Nature Cat: Hal the Duck; The Crow-lympics: TVSS: Iconic

    Nature Cat

    Hal the Duck; The Crow-lympics

    Feb 5

    30 Minutes

    Hal finds a lone bird's egg in the woods and thinks he should take care of it forever; the gang sets up different challenges for the Crow-lympics.
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    Nature Cat: Hal the Duck; The Crow-lympics: TVSS: Iconic

    Nature Cat

    Hal the Duck; The Crow-lympics

    Feb 6

    30 Minutes

    Hal finds a lone bird's egg in the woods and thinks he should take care of it forever; the gang sets up different challenges for the Crow-lympics.

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